zaterdag 15 september 2012


Hellooo everyone, hmm everyone? I don't think somebody is reading this...
Maybe detwins, because she thought I'm gonna look if our blog is still alive. No, it's dead.
Mwhuhahaa, I'm sorry I just had no time annymore to post about stardoll, I'm a little bit offline on stardoll. I think it's better now because I'm too busy with my school. But I promise, one day I'm back on stardoll. And maybe on this blog too. But I don't know when. But we're sorry we don't post annymore.
Do you know why I'm writing this? Because I'm bored and I love to write English, really it's fun!
But if you want to ask me something or whatever, you can write it in my guestbook on stardoll. I'm comming once in a month online to reply my guestbook messages.
Okay now I'm gonna quit because no one is reading this MWHUAHHAH :D

Byeee, see you maybe on stardoll x

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